Descendants of Samuel Morrison

Eighth Generation


900. Living (Evelyn A. Langevin , Mary Elizabeth Morrison , Florence Jane , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married (1) Living.

They had the following children:

  1400 M i Living
        Living married Living.
  1401 F ii Living
  1402 F iii Living

Living married (2) Everett "Nick" Willard Burdick. Everett was born on 20 Jun 1949 in Newport, Orleans Co., VT. He died on 19 Apr 2015 in White River Junction, Hartford, Windsor Co., VT.

1. Son of Willard S. Burdick and Marjorie Noe.
- Marjorie Burdick
May 3, 1918 - February 6, 2012 Marjorie Ella Noe Rossier Burdick, of Orleans, died peacefully in Glover Monday evening, February 6, 2012. Born May 3, 1918 in North Derby (what is now East Main Street, in Newport), she was the middle child of Henry and Lucinda (Kinney) Noe.She attended schools in Orleans and decided not to attend high school, so her mother had her take the eighth grade over again, a common educational practice of the time.Marjorie's first husband was Bernard L. Rossier, Sr. He was hurt in a severe accident at the Anderson Manufacturing Company in Orleans, and was hospitalized for the rest of his life. She then married Willard "Gus" S. Burdick, who died February 12, 1984.Throughout her life, Marjorie enjoyed various clubs and activities in and around Orleans. She belonged to the Pythians, the Christmas Club, the bowling league (winning many trophies), and she was a member and past president of the American Legion Auxiliary of Post 23 in Orleans, a job she held a few times.One of her most favorite activities was bingo. She enjoyed it and played the game all over Orleans County, as well as games at the Union House in Glover.Baptized an Episcopalian, Marjorie belonged to the St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Newport, as well as the Orleans Federated Church.She is survived by her two sons Everett "Nick" and his wife Cora Ann of Albany and Lawrence and his wife Gertrude of Orleans. She also leaves daughters-in-law Eileen of Myerstown, PA; Susan of Brownington Center; and Tracey of Derby. Additionally, she leaves seventeen grandchildren, thirty-two great-grandchildren, and eleven great-great-grandchildren, three sisters-in-law, and two brothers-in-law, as well as many nieces and nephews.In addition to her parents and both of her husbands, Marjorie was proceeded in death by daughters Christine and Patricia, and sons Bernard, Edwin, and Terrence "Terry," two grandchildren, her big sister Dorothy, and her little sister Stella.The family will receive friends at the Curtis-Britch-Converse-Rushford Funeral Home, 4670 Darling Hill Rd., Newport on Friday, February 10, 2012 from 4-7 p.m. Funeral services will be at the Orleans Federated Church, School St., Orleans, VT on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Harvey Bartlett officiating. Spring burial will be in the family lot at the Pleasantview Cemetery, Orleans, VT on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 2 p.m. Should friends desire, contributions in Marjorie's memory could be sent to The Union House Nursing Home, c/o Activity Fund, Main Street, Glover, VT 05839.Marjorie was a resident there for seven years and the care, concern, compassion, and activities afforded her by the staff was far beyond the call of duty. Both of the remaining children are grateful for the love, care and concern given her.Online condolences may be sent to the family through the funeral home website at Arrangements are entrusted to the care of Curtis-Britch-Converse-Rushford Funeral Home, locally family owned and operated.

2. Obit: Everett Willard “Nick” Bur­dick
Nick Bur­dick, 65, of Or­mond Beach, Florida, and Ver­mont, lost his coura­geous bat­tle with pan­cre­atic can­cer, at the VA Hos­pi­tal in White River Junc­tion, sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily and friends, on Sunday, April 19, 2015.
He was the fourth child born to the late Willard “Gus” and Mar­jorie (Noe) Bur­dick, on June 20, 1949.
He en­joyed a nor­mal child­hood, at­tend­ing Or­leans Graded School, and grad­u­at­ing from Or­leans High School.
One fond mem­ory that he al­ways en­joyed was the fact that his big brother Bernard, kid brother Ed­die, and him­self all had news­pa­per routes in Or­leans. He and Ed­die were lucky to have the Burling­ton Free Press routes and for a few years en­joyed trips to Boston (for a ball game, as long as it was the Red Sox play­ing!), and trips to our na­tion’s cap­i­tal, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., as well as side trips to Mt. Ver­nan and Ford’s The­atre.
Mr. Bur­dick proudly served his coun­try in the army, ris­ing to the rank of sergeant.
Af­ter the ser­vice, he took a job at the Burling­ton Free Press, as dis­trict cir­cu­la­tion man­ager, di­rect­ing nearly 25 per­cent of the to­tal cir­cu­la­tion.
Mr. Bur­dick sold ad­ver­tis­ing for the Chron­i­cle for five years, and it was here that he started writ­ing. He then went on and fin­ished his ca­reer at the New­port Daily Ex­press.
He es­pe­cially en­joyed writ­ing his King­dom Char­ac­ters col­umn, which was about lo­cal peo­ple and their lives. His sis­ter Pat was the first per­son he wrote about, when she was the cook at the Or­leans Se­nior Cen­ter.
On Oc­to­ber 26, 1968, he mar­ried Ida Lyn Chaf­fee of Al­bany. Two sons, Willard An­drew and Jonathan Dale, were born to this union, which ended in di­vorce in 1986.
On July 3, 2001, af­ter a long courtship, Mr. Bur­dick mar­ried the love of his life, Cora Ann Car­pen­ter, in a pri­vate cer­e­mony in Brown­ing­ton, at the look­out tower on Prospect Hill. A large pub­lic gath­er­ing was held at the Al­bany Town Hall fol­low­ing the cer­e­mony.
Mr. Bur­dick was a mem­ber of the Amer­i­can Le­gion for nearly 50 years, as well as the Dis­abled Amer­i­can Vet­er­ans (he hurt his left leg while fir­ing a 155mm self-pro­pelled Howet­zer. He al­ways told peo­ple af­ter that not to fire the gun from the hip!).
He was a mem­ber of the Or­leans High School Alumni As­so­ci­a­tion, and served as its pres­i­dent for 18 years. He was al­ways proud of the fact that he got the tro­phies back to Or­leans, and helped with the build­ing with a case to house them as well as the high school year­books. These cases were built by Ethan Allen Corp., when Wen­dall Her­man, a fel­low alumni, was man­ager there.
In 1973, at the di­rec­tion of the late Doris Cu­bit, Mr. Bur­dick joined Maple Val­ley Grange #450 of Al­bany. He worked his way through the chairs, and joined the Prospect Pomona Grange, Ver­mont State Grange, and the Na­tional Grange. In 1980, he hosted the an­nual Ver­mont State Grange in New­port!
In 1994, spon­sored by the late Roy In­galls, Mr. Bur­dick joined Cen­tral Lodge #62, Free and Ac­cepted Ma­sons, in Iras­burg. He worked his way through the “blue lodge” chairs, and was hon­ored by his broth­ers when he was elected by the dis­trict to serve two years as the dis­trict deputy grand mas­ter for the tenth
Ma­son dis­trict of Freema­sons of the Grand Re­pub­lic of Ver­mont. This was in­deed a great honor for him, and he did the best job he could pos­si­bly do.
He also joined the York Rite Bod­ies of Ver­mont, the Tenth Ma­sonic Dis­trict Past Mas­ters As­so­ci­a­tion, the Na­tional So­journ­ers, Inc. Green Moun­tain Chap­ter #527, and the Mount Sinai Shriners of Mont­pe­lier. This is the third old­est shrine in the world.
Mr. Bur­dick loved help­ing peo­ple, and for a num­ber of years he worked with small, ten-man prison work crews from St. Johns­bury. In all, his crews were able to re­pair and paint the Al­bany Town Hall, the Al­bany Methodist Church, the old fire sta­tion, and the Grange hall on the way into town. They also cut brush around the out­side edge of all the ceme­ter­ies (seven) in town. In Glover they did the church, the Town Clerk’s Of­fice, the li­brary, and brush­work. In Brown­ing­ton they re­placed the fence around the Vil­lage Ceme­tery, painted the Grange Hall, and cleared brush from all of the ceme­ter­ies. (In Brown­ing­ton Cen­ter, the only pris­oner to ever es­cape, walked away through the back of the ceme­tery. He sur­ren­dered!)
Many of the build­ings at the Or­leans County fair­grounds were also re­paired and painted. What the pris­on­ers en­joyed most were the cig­a­rettes they got to smoke on break and lunchtime, the de­li­cious meal every Fri­day to cel­e­brate the week’s work, and Cora An­n’s home­made cook­ies just about every day.
With all of the ac­tiv­i­ties, Mr. Bur­dick was al­ways hap­pi­est spend­ing time with his beloved Cora Ann, and his son Jonathan. Join­ing them was Jon’s wife, Joanna, and his six grand­chil­dren: Alyssa, Matthew, Austin, Payten, Da­van, and Lo­gan. These pre­cious grand­chil­dren were the ap­ple of “Pa­pa’s” eye!
He also leaves be­hind to mourn him, nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, and great-great-nieces and -nephews; 3,000,000 Ma­sonic broth­ers world­wide; his sis­ters-in-law: Su­san Eileen, Nancy, Mary, Con­nie, and Tracey; his brother-in-law Paul; and his three “spe­cial daugh­ters”: Karen Karlovich, Donna Bur­dick, and Julie Lavine. He adopted them years ago. He also leaves be­hind two un­cles and one aunt. Al­though he leaves many friends and fam­ily mem­bers be­hind, he leaves spe­cial friends: Waldo Pot­ter of Al­bany, Dar­lene (Austin) Miles of North Troy and Or­mond Beach, Rachel Rose of Barre, and Fran­coise and Daniel Milea, of Iras­burg.
He was pre­de­ceased by his grand­par­ents, his par­ents, his sib­lings, and a baby sis­ter, as well as those al­ready listed.
Friends and fam­ily will gather at Cen­tral Lodge #62, Free and Ac­cepted Ma­sons, on beau­ti­ful Iras­burg Com­mon, at 10:30 a.m., on Sat­ur­day, May 23, for a memo­r­ial Ma­sonic ser­vice with Grand Chap­lin Mike Ford of­fi­ci­at­ing, fol­lowed by lunch pro­vided by his broth­ers at the lodge. Bur­ial, with full mil­i­tary hon­ors, led by CMS Ken­neth John­son, USAF/​Re­tired, will fol­low at the fam­ily lot in Pleas­antview Ceme­tery in Or­leans. Mr. Bur­dick’s nephews, Scott and Michael, will be the bear­ers of the urn.
For those wish­ing, do­na­tions in his honor may be made to the Shriners’ Hos­pi­tal for Chil­dren-Boston, 51 Blos­som Street, Boston, Mass­a­chu­setts, 02114. Please mark the do­na­tion. This hos­pi­tal deals in pros­thet­ics for chil­dren, as well as burns. (Barton Chronicle, April 29, 2015)

901. Living (Evelyn A. Langevin , Mary Elizabeth Morrison , Florence Jane , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married Living.

They had the following children:

  1403 M i Travis Scott Harvey Bent was born on 17 Feb 1976 in Newport, Orleans Co., VT. He died on 19 Nov 2006 in Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT. He was buried in Brownington Center Cemetery, Orleans Co., VT.

1. Obit: Travis H. Bent, 30, of Albany, passed away in Burlington on Sunday, November 19, 2006.
He was born in Newport on February 17, 1976, the beloved son of Ronald and Connie (Carpenter) Bent. Travis was very much an outdoorsman and enjoyed going into the woods and participated in many different sports. He liked all animals and especially enjoyed his cats. He had a great personality, lots of humor and had made friends easily and always ready to lend a hand to anyone who needed him. He loved his his Gramp and Gram Carpenter.
In 2005 Travis married Julie Reilly of Albany, who survives him. He is also survived by his parents, Ronald Bent of Barton and Connie Bent of Newport, his brother, Matthew Bent and his girlfriend Rebecca Before of Derby, his grandmother, Clara Conley of St. Johnsbury, his special aunt, Debbie Bent, and several other aunts and uncles, including, Nancy Daniels and family of East Albany, Mary Perry and family of Brownington, Cora Ann Burdick and family of Albany, cousins, and many, many friends including good friend Howard Healy.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2006 at the Curtis-Britch-Converse-Rushford Funeral Home, Elm Street, Barton at 2:00 p.m. with Kevin Fletcher officiating. Friends may call at the funeral home from 1:00 p.m. until the time of the service on Saturday. Interment will follow at the Brownington Center Cemetery. Casual attire is requested by the family for the memorial service.
On-line condolences may be sent to the family through the funeral homes website: Arrangements are entrusted to the care of the Curtis-Britch-Converse-Rushford Funeral Homes, locally family owned and operated.
        Travis married Living.
  1404 M ii Living

902. Living (Lloyd Bryan Bliss , Charles Lucien Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married Living.

They had the following children:

  1405 M i Living
        Living married Living.
  1406 M ii James "Jamie" Paul Bliss was born in 1981. He died on 6 Apr 2011 in Welland, Ont., CAN.

1. Obit: BLISS, James Paul (Jamie) - Suddenly passed away on April 6, 2011 in his 30th year. Beloved son of Donald & Anna Bliss. Loving brother of Chuck (Mandy), Brian (Rebecca) & Elizabeth “Libby“ (Gill). He will be sadly missed by his oma Anje Blokzjl & by his aunts, uncles & cousins. Jamie's family will receive friends at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 179 Clarence Street, Port Colborne on Monday March April 11, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Funeral Service will follow in the Armstrong Chapel at 11 a.m. Interment will follow at Overholt Cemetery, Bethel. If so desired, memorial donations may be made to Community Living.
  1407 M iii Living
        Living married Living.
  1408 F iv Living
        Living married Living.

903. Penelope Lou "Penny" Carbonneau (Mary Marguerite "Peggy" Bliss , Charles Lucien Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel ) was born on 3 Feb 1942 in Rock Island, Stanstead Co., PQ. She died on 4 Sep 1978 in Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke Co., PQ. She was buried in Crystal Lake Cemetery.

1. Marriage
Griffin - Carbonneau
ROCK ISLAND —The marriage of Penelope Lou Carbonneau, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles Bliss of Rock Island, to Mr. Thomas Alexander Griffin, son of Mrs. Louisa Griffin, Montreal, and the late Mr. Jack Griffin of Dublin, Ireland, took place in Stanstead South church on Saturday afternoon, May 19, at three o'clock Rev. A. M Rose officiated at the double ring ceremony Mrs. Alan Greer played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist. Mrs. Kenneth Rice, who prior lo the ceremony sang. I'll Walk Beside You. and during the signing of the register, O Promise Me. Spring flowers were used to decorate and the guest pews were marked v dh white satin ribbons. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Lloyd Bliss, wore a gown of white nylon lace over satin and tulle, haling a full hooped skirt with the back featuring a cascade of pleated nylon ruffles The fitted bodice with long sleeves. Pastel pearl sequins adorned the Bertha neckline, and skirt. Her fingertip length veil of tulle illusion edged with lacewas held in place by a tiara of sequins and she carried a cascade bouquet of American Beauty roses with lily of the valley. Miss Louisa Griffin was maid of honor, and was in a gown of two tone nylon sheer over taffeta, and a small crown of sequins with a veil and carried a colonial bouquet of blue baby chrysanthemums. Miss Deanna O'Leary and Miss Marsha Moss, the latter, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaids, wore gowns of pink nylon sheer over taffeta styled identical to that of the maid of honor and carried colonial bouquets of baby chrysanthemums. Miss Ann Young, niece of the groom, was flower girl and wore a yellow nylon dress over satin and lace jacket, with daisies in her hair, she carried a basket of spring flowers. Mr. Archie McCabe was best man and the ushers were Mr. Ronald Moss and Mr. Alan Moss, cousins of the groom, with Master Donald Bliss, cousin of the bride, as ring bearer. Mrs. A. Beimel, mother of the bride, wore a black and white dress with matching accessories and corsage of mums. Mrs. Griffin, the groram’s mother, was in a dress of grey printed silk, toned accessories and corsage of mums. Mrs. Bliss, the grandmother of the bride was in a dress of grey lace over rose satin, a matching hat and black accessories and wore a corsage of mums. The reception was held in the lOOF hall and attended by about 80 guests. The bride’s table was centered with the four tier wedding cake. Miss Nancy Miller was in charge of the guest hook, guests attended from Ayer’s Cliff, Lennoxville, Three Villages and Beebe, Montreal, Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin enjoyed a honeymoon trip in the New England States and Niagara Falls. For travelling, Mrs. Griffin wore a navy blue suit with black and white accessories and .sweetheart rose corsage. They are now residing at 4698 Alexander Street, Apt. 3, Pierrefond, Montreal. (Sherbrooke Daily Record, June 18, 1962, p. 7)

2. Obit: GRIFFIN. Penny (Carbonneau) At CHU, Sherbrooke, Sept 4, 1978, in her 37th year, beloved wife of Thomas Griffin, dear mother of Debbie and Wayne Resting at Cass Funeral Home, 39 Dufferin Rd., Stanstead, where funeral service will be held on Thurs , Sept 7 at 2:30 p m. Rev R. Rennie officiating. Interment in Crystal Lake Cemetery Visitation on Wed from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. (The Sherbrooke Record, Sept. 5, 1978, p. 5)

Penelope married Living.

They had the following children:

  1409 F i Living

905. Living (Russell Francis Bliss , Frank Oral Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married (1) Betty Joan Forbes. Betty was born on 30 Jan 1949 in Newport, Orleans Co., VT. She died on 21 Oct 1989 in Indian Lake, Hamilton Co., NY.

1. Daughter of Donald A. Forbes and Marilyn Alda Spaulding.

2. Betty Forbes Maynard
ORWELL -- The memorial service for Betty Forbes Maynard, 40, who died suddenly Saturday in Indian Lake, N.Y., will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the United Methodist Church in Newport Center with the Rev. Nathan Strong officiating. She was born Jan. 31, 1949, daughter of Donald and Marilyn (Spaulding) Forbes in Newport. She attended Newport Center High School and graduated in the class of 1967. She was a sales representative for the A.B.S. Breeding Service in Orwell and was a member of the Champlain Valley Holstein Club and the Vermont Holstein Club. She was an avid sportswoman. She is survived by her mother of Newport Center, her husband, Alton Maynard of Orwell; two sons, Doug Bliss of Burlington and Greg Bliss of Newport. (Rutland Daily Herald, Oct. 24, 1989, p. 8)

James and Betty had the following children:

  1410 M i Living
  1411 M ii Living

Living married (2) Living.

906. Living (Russell Francis Bliss , Frank Oral Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married 1 Warren Edward St. Laurent. Warren was born on 30 Aug 1942 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA. He died on 29 Jan 2020 in Crawfordville, Wakulla Co., FL.

1. Son of Louis Edward St. Laurent and Virginia Brannen.

2. Found in the 1950 U.S Census New Hampshire, Rockingham Co., South Hampton, sheet 3, Rt. 107A 2/10 mile on right, age 8 with parents, Louis E. (29) and Virginia (30) and siblings, Robert M. (7), Judith R. (3) and David L. (1)

3. Warren Edward St. Laurent, 77, of Crawfordville died Wednesday January 29 at home surrounded by his loving family. He was a native of New England, he moved to Tallahassee in 1993 before moving to Crawfordville in 2003. He retired from the Healthcare Industry where he worked for Tallahassee Community College and was also previously employed by Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.
Survivors include his wife Judy A. St. Laurent, daughter Ginger LaChapelle and husband Marc, Son Edward St. Laurent and wife Louise. Two Grandchildren Jeffrey LaChapelle and wife Cheryl and Amanda Smith and husband Adam. Four Great Grandchildren Zach, Nik, Jaden and Ollie.
A celebration of Warren’s life will be held at a later time. Skip & Trey Young are assisting the family with their arrangements.

They had the following children:

+ 1412 F i Living
  1413 M ii Living
        Living married Living.

907. Living (Russell Francis Bliss , Frank Oral Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married Living.

They had the following children:

  1414 M i Living
  1415 M ii Living
  1416 F iii Living

908. Steven Frank Bliss (Russell Francis Bliss , Frank Oral Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel ) was born 1 on 22 Jul 1953 in Newport, Orleans Co., VT. He died on 23 Jul 1994 in Rutland, Rutland Co., VT. Steven was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Rutland, Rutland Co., VT.

1. Obit: Steven F. Bliss
The funural service for Steven F. Bliss, 41, formerly of Newport, who died suddenly Saturday in Rutland, will be held at 11 a.m. on Thursday in Converse-Rushford Funeral Home in Newport. He was born in Newport, July 22, 1953, son of Russell and Elisabeth (Beebe) Bliss. He was a 1971 graduate of North Country Union High school, and College of St. Joseph in Rutland. Mr. Bliss was formerly employed by Citizens Utilities in Newport for more than 15 years. He currently was general manager of the power division of PIuess-Staufer Industries in Proctor. On June 15, 1974, he married Annette Lsperance of Newport. Surviving is his wife of Rutland; two sons, Erik Bliss and Brent Bliss, both of Rutland; his parents of Derby; two brothers, James Bliss and John Bliss, both of Newport; two sisters, Beverly Smith of Albuquerque, N.M., and Judy St. Laurent of Tallahassee, Fla.; many nieces and nephews. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday. Memorial donations may be made to Rutland Raider Booster Club, P.O. Box 555, Rutland 05702. (Rutland Daily Herald, July 25, 1994, p. 6)

Steven married Living.

They had the following children:

  1417 M i Erik Edmund Bliss was born on 9 May 1975 in Newport, Orleans Co., VT. He died on 23 Feb 1997 in Burlington, Chittenden Co., VT.

1. Erik E. Bliss
The funeral Mass for Erik E. Bliss, 21, who died suddenly Sunday in Burlington, will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. Entombment will follow at Evergreen Cemetery, with burial there at a later date. He was born May 9, 1975, in Newport, son of Steven and Annette (Lesperance) Bliss. Mr. Bliss graduated in 1993 from Rutland High School where he was a member of the basketball and baseball teams and captain of the varsity football team. Mr. Bliss was a political science major at the University of Vermont. Survivors include his mother of Rutland; a brother, Brent Bliss of Rutland; his paternal grandparents, Russell and Elizalieth (Beebe) Bliss of Derby; aunts and uncles. He was predeceased by his father, who died July 23. 1994. Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Clifford Funeral Home in Rutland. Contributions may be made to Raider Rooters. P.O. Box 555, Rutland, 05702. (Rutland Daily Herald, Feb. 25, 1997, p. 12)

2. In Appreciation
The family of Erik Bliss would like to express our gratitude to all the people in the Burlington area who touched our hearts at the time of Erik's death. To his "family" at Hickok Place and his many friends, your love and presence will not be forgotten. To the Burlington Police Dept., Fire Dept., Ambulance Service, Fletcher Allen Medical Center Emergency Room Staff and Social Workers, your compassion, sensitivity and professionalism is greatly appreciated. To the faculty, staff, clergy and student body of the University of Vermont, your personal contact and expressions of support demonstrates the uniqueness of UVM. We can only say thank you for being there during this difficult time.; May Erik's memory live on in your hearts as it does in ours. Sincerely, ' ' - - ' ' - , , " Annette and Brent Bliss (Burlington Free Press, April 6, 1997, p. 12)
  1418 M ii Living

917. James Stanley Cooper (Lois Louise Bliss , Wallace William Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel ) was born on 9 Mar 1950 in Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke Co., PQ. He died on 10 Dec 2019 in Calgary, Alberta, CAN. James was employed as 1971;Canadian Army.

1. Ayer's Cliff Topics
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wintle and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wintle in Gould. Mrs. Norman Wintle entertained at her home last week to honour young Murray Eldridge on his sixth birthday. The four Wintle girls and Roger Cass presented Murray with gifts and the traditional birthday cake done in green and yellow was a big part of the refreshments. Murray stays with Mrs. Wintle during the day while his mother works and this was just a little special day for him with his second family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bliss of Stanstead, R. R. 2, will celebrate their 49th Wedding Anniversary on June 9th. Pte and Mrs. James Cooper, North Bay, Ont., are the proud parents of a baby girl, Jacqueline Heather, born on Monday, May 29th. This is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cooper. (Stanstead Journal, June 1, 1972)

2. Obit: James Cooper
Passed away at the Rockyview ­General Hospital in Calgary, on ­December 10, 2019 at the age of 69. Retired from the Canadian Armed Forces as well as Calgary transit. Beloved ­husband of Heather ­Johnston of 48 years, cherished ­father of Jacqueline (Warren) Blair and Michael (Cindy) all of Calgary. Loving grandfather of Acelyn (Richard) Cooper of ­Lethbridge and Douglas Cooper of Calgary, Corrine (Wyatt) Blair of Claresholm and ­Morgan Blair of ­Calgary.
The son of Lois Cooper and late ­Stanley. Survived by brother Gordon (Wendy) and sisters Elaine and Janet, preceded by sister Elizabeth and ­in-laws Douglas and Irene Johnston, also survived by sister in law Hazel (late Kenneth) Markwell of Newport Vt, Brothers in law Robert (Corinne) of Napanee On & Sandy of Stansted, as well as many nieces and nephews.
James will be cremated with a ­celebration of life to be held on ­January 18, 2020 in Calgary.
James' ashes will be spread in the spring as well. In lieu of flowers donations to ­Crystal Lake or Woodside cemeteries would be appreciated. (Sherbrooke Record, Dec. 24 to Dec. 27, 2019)

1. 2000 at Calgary, Alberta

James married Living.

They had the following children:

+ 1419 F i Living
  1420 M ii Living
        Living married Living.

918. Living (Lois Louise Bliss , Wallace William Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married Living.

They had the following children:

  1421 F i Living
  1422 M ii Living
  1423 M iii Living

919. Living (Lois Louise Bliss , Wallace William Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married 1 (1) Gerard "Gerry" Jules Boisvert. Gerard was born on 9 Nov 1948 in Sherbrooke, PQ. He died on 27 Feb 1985 in Sherbrooke, PQ.

1. Son of Donat Boisvert and Alicia Menard.

2. Obit: BOISVERT, Gerard (Gerry) — Accidentally on Wednesday, February 27, 1985. Gerard Boisvert, in his 37th year. Beloved husband of Elaine Cooper. Dear father of Joanne, Bonnie and Laura. Dear son of Mr. and Mrs. Donat Boisvert. Dear son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cooper. (The Record, Feb. 28, 1985, p. 7)

They had the following children:

  1424 F i Living
  1425 F ii Living
  1426 F iii Living

Living married (2) John Robert "Bob" Marsh. John was born in 1945 in Montreal, PQ. He died on 20 Feb 2005.

1. Son of John William Marsh and Henrietta Milne.

2. Obit: MARSH, John Robert (Bob).
He lived large, worked hard and loved well. His sudden passing on Sunday, February 20, 2005 at the age of sixty was just too soon. Born in Montreal to John William Marsh and Henrietta Milne, Bob was president of B&SH Thompson until 1999 and, since 2000 became known as "Santa's cousin" at their boutique Elfe du Village in Knowlton. His wife Elaine Cooper Marsh and family Barron, Joanna, baby granddaughter Alicia, Bonnie and Alex, and Laura and James, as well as sister Shirley, brothers Donald and Steve and families, will gather on Thursday, February 24 for visitation from 10 to 12 noon, with service following at Desourdy Wilson Funeral Home, 109 William, Cowansville, Qc. 450-263-1212. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Children's Wish Foundation. (The Gazette, Feb. 23, 2005)

920. Living (Lois Louise Bliss , Wallace William Bliss , Florence Jane Morrison , Preston , Samuel McDuffee , John , Samuel )

Living married Living.

They had the following children:

  1427 M i Living
  1428 F ii Living
  1429 M iii Living

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